Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alien Air Music

One of the most famous radio-shows for electronic music in the United States will play my music today.

The host is well-known Pat Murphy:

"Hello Bernd,

I will play "In face of Saturn" on my radio program this Sunday, 2 May.  The playlist is posted on my website and your graphic is on the home page Highlight Box promoting the show.  Great music!

“Alien Air Music" features international electronic music and has run since 1984 here in Los Angeles from KXLU radio at Loyola Marymount University.  Broadcast time is Sunday evenings 9-11pm (PST). 

You can hear my program live one of two ways: live on KXLU radio, which webcasts its signal 24/7 on or listen to an archive of the program that will be available on my website for up to ten days after the radio broadcast."

If you want to learn more about "Alien Air Music, you can also check the following website:

Enjoy the show!

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