Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Concert!

2011 is far from over, but the preparations for new CD releases and concerts for 2012 are already underway. So I am very pleased to announce my next concert.
For the first time, the "Planetarium Muenster"  will host a show with a brandnew life-performance from me. This takes place on saturday, the 14 th of january 2012 at 19.30 o'clock. Using all visual options of the planetarium (full-dome projection, star projector, laser show) we prepare a special show to visualize the music of my next solo album, which will be released in autumn this year.

To find the Planetarium, please click on this "link" to open Google maps.

So from now, a ticket hotline is now set up for ticket pre-orders.

LWL-Museum of Natural History
Westphalian State Museum and Planetarium
Sentruper Str 285 | 48161 Münster
Phone 0251.591-6050
Fax 0251.591-6098

Workdays:  8:30 to 12:30
                  14:00 to 15:30


You can find more infos about the event, if you "click here".

Soon, a  ticket-service of city of Muenster will follow.
Please watch this blog or my facebook-page, because more details will follow soon.

See you!