Sunday, June 5, 2011

New track : The Memorial

Since 13 years, the german "Schallwende e.V." fan-organization for electronic music releases a special CD-project, which is called "Schallplatte". Sylvia Sommerfeld - head of the organization - invites artists from the scene  to contribute on that project. Each year, the content of "Schallplatte" focusses on another theme. This year (2011) is "Literature" the goal. Each participant was asked to write some music about his most beloved or most impressing book.

I decided to write a musical comment on "Memorial do Convento" from "José Saramago", who had passed away in 2010. The result - "Das Memorial" - is a reflection of one of the saddest scenes in that novel: the transport of a huge bell on a hill by hundreds of suffering souls.

So "Schallplatte no.13" is out now and available for members of the organization only. A true collectors item. I am sure, that "Schallwende e.V." cannot get enough promotors and fans of electronic music. So - if you like - become a member quickly and get "Schallplatte no.13".

Thank you

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