Meeting friends. Thus I would describe what I was experiencing on november 10th in Berlin.
This was the day before Klaus Schulze performed a concert after many years again (together with the absolute perfect and sympathic Lisa Gerrard) and this was also the day were I was visited by three guys from France which have probably more done for keeping electronic music alive over all past years than anybody else.
Their names: Olivier Bégué, Christian Piednoir and Michel Le Stum and they call their base "Cosmiccagibi".
We know each other since approx. 15 years. Via fanzines, Olivier was writing for, via many letters or eMails. They followed my musical carrier as well as my life and so we were sitting in Berlin-Steglitz in a nice Pizzeria and talked about everything: past, present and ... future.
We had a lot of fun and joy this evening and yes I would describe it as a special moment when we seperated many hours later: we seperated as friends. I know that.
The following evening we met us again; at the Schiller-Theater were Klaus Schulze was playing. Also this moment was very special because I could say "Hello" to Klaus for the first time after 19 (!) years.
This was not the last time I have met Olivier, Christian and Michel. I am sure, that we will see us again. Soon ... and as friends.

...with Christian Piednoir

Michel Le Stum
... with Olivier Bégué
© Christian Piednoir
Thank you my friend !
Yes, we should see us soon. I hope that it will be toward Bordeaux, for a concert, perhaps ?
Hi Bernd !
Well, when I see that picture of me... I feel a little bit ashamed ! But what a great evening we had ! You are really a person as my heart loves.
I'm quite confident we will meet again and again.
And, please, for all of us, don't give up ! We need you there.
An other dream has come true dear Bernd ! I alrready ahev conplegte few others before, then this is a good and long awaited one ! Meeting one of the guy whos trhilled me so much with sound, echoes, music and feeling.
So you can believed that the travel till Berlin was such as a whisper to know that in this unknow city some persons will be waiting for us: Bernd ,Klaus, Tom, James...
We had a marvellous evening, it could had run over the whole night I would appreciate !
My both true friends Michel + Christian were very touched as you can easely read and feel.
Now that step has been passed. Now lets' make an other one Bernd !
Remember my words towards our letters and mails exchanges :
Keep On Berlin Schoolin' !
Reveived my deepest regards
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