Saturday, January 28, 2012

Antimatter on Webradio

Just a short notice about "Antimatter".

"Syndae-Podcast" features in his actual episode no. 161 the track "ON The Shoulders Of ATLAS". To listen to it, lease follow this "link".

Also Terry Hawke will play "They Call It Soup!" in the first session of tonights "Hawke Chill Out Sessions & Night Hawke" show. You can follow the webstram via "".
Detailed infos are on "Terry Hawke's Facebook site".


Thursday, January 19, 2012

After Muenster - Comments and more!

Westfälische Nachrichten 16.01.2012
Muenstersche Zeitung 16.01.2012


Stageplan Muenster

Finally one comment for my fans from Germany: Die aufgeführten Zeitungsartikel beziehen sich auf ein und dieselbe Veranstaltung im Planetarium Münster ;-)

Many thanks to Mrs. Fialla from LWL-Museum Muenster for the pressarticles!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Planetarium Muenster - Update no. 2

10 days left until 14th of january 2012! After we have put some final grip on "Antimatter", we will not only have a nice concert in "Planetarium Muenster", we will also have the "world premiere" of my new solo-album.
But there will be more on this unique day:
Visitors and guests can enjoy some presentations in the Planetarium's foyer. "Roland" will install a nice "Synthesizer-Island" to present their latest synthesizers, "Synthesizer-Magazin" will show a brandnew analogue modular-system and last but no least "MellowJet Records" will be also there with a big stand to present their full CD-programme.

For all of you who will need a little break or refreshment: you can visit the "Café Landois" which is inside of the house and all of you, who will travel by car: there is a big parking-area in front of the Planetarium. You can find some travel informations "here"

Since we seem to get no winter(!) this year, the chances are good travelling-conditions. Some "tickets" are still available and you can buy or reserve them directly "here". So make your plans for a nice weekend in Muenster with a great concert-evening now!

See you!